Are you just earning a little extra cash to get by or are you creating a business that is going to grow to enable you to reach your long-term goals?
Let me just say, I have had many a side hustles in my life. Picking up extra projects for a friend, selling kitchen gadgets, children’s books. I’m sure I have forgotten some because I have been picking up side hustles for decades. I think we all probably have at one time or another. But the side hustle, was never the main source of my income or what my family relied on to pay the bills. I used my personal bank account, took payment in whatever form it came and didn’t really track in depth my expenses, because I was just working for extra cash.
When I decided to launch Sowles Consulting, I was very intentional. I got my Federal Tax ID number for the business, so I wouldn’t be using my personal social. I filed my LLC with the state and got my state business ID number. I opened up a business checking account. I began creating an entity that was my business.
I recently was listening to a podcast with an expert on how to protect your business and personal assets. The presenter asked the question “do you have a business or a hobby?” Her point was if you are mixing your personal and business finances, whether you have an LLC or Corporation in the eyes of investigators everything is mixed together and vulnerable to attack in a lawsuit.
This got me to thinking about how we set up our businesses, not just our finances but everything within our businesses. Accounting, Banking, Insurance, Employees, Systems and so many more areas can be set up to scale, maximize productivity and profitability.
Sometimes we launch our businesses on a shoestring budget so we just use our personal resources (money, insurance, software, etc.) to get started. We get so busy a year has passed. It’s time to think about taxes, pricing, planning and growing our businesses. All we have is a box of receipts and guestimating (yes, I count the blend of guessing and estimating as a real word) our expenses and income to guide our decisions.
If you want to build a business here are some things that you should put in place as soon as possible:
As we go into 2021, do you have the structures in place to build your business? Or are you still working a side hustle?
If you would like some guidance on creating your BUSINESS, book a complementary strategy call here.
Sowles Consulting offers a FREE 30 minute strategy session for all potential clients.
Book your free appointment with Tonya Sowles, CEO of Sowles Consulting today to begin the next steps in your business.
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